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Solid Waste Management & Recycling

Solid Waste Management & Recycling

In any civilization, solid waste management is a necessary service. But, before we get into the procedure, let's talk about the substance we're dealing with: solid waste. Solid waste refers to a wide spectrum of rubbish materials that are abandoned as undesired and worthless as a result of animal and human activity. Solid waste is generated in a specific region as a result of industrial, residential, and commercial activity, and it can be treated in a variety of ways. As a result, landfills are usually divided into four categories: sanitary, municipal, construction and demolition, and industrial waste sites. Plastic, paper, glass, metal, and organic garbage are some of the different types of waste. Radioactive, flammable, infectious, toxic, or non-toxic wastes may be classified according to their hazard potential. Solid waste management refers to the collection, treatment, and disposal of solid waste that has served its purpose or is no longer useful. Unsanitary conditions can result from improper municipal solid waste disposal, which can lead to pollution of the environment and outbreaks of vector-borne disease (diseases spread by rodents and insects). Solid-waste management tasks pose a number of technical difficulties. They also create a slew of administrative, economic, and social issues that must be addressed.

  • Municipal Solid Waste
  • Sustainable Development
  • Solid-Waste Characteristics
  • Solid-Waste Collection
  • Solid-Waste Treatment and Disposal

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