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Recycling 2023

Hadi Erfani

Hadi Erfani, Speaker at #RecyclingCongress 2023
Islamic Azad University, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Title : Impact and production of wet waste and conversion into compost in alborz industrial town


In this study, we have tried to observe how to collect dry, wet waste, and after collecting them in isolation and transporting them to areas where the waste is separated from each other and finally divided into several categories we do. Special waste, general waste, hazardous waste, etc., which can be separated by removing hazardous materials, and we can go to the next stage with more confidence. All in all, one of the most important needs in the country today is waste recycling, and if we could turn it into other materials that we need in the country, we would have done a great job. Waste management is one of the problems that can be solved today and new solutions can be offered for it along with innovation in the environment, because the environment is one of the most important and top priorities for the lives of the people of the world. In this study, you will see that with today's technology in the field of environment, it is possible to conclude by studying and accurate statistics of the input and finally the output of waste materials, and based on its conclusion, it can be seen that despite today's technology in this field which has a special application in the world today.In addition to converting all waste materials into other materials, it can also be used in the field of new energies,

Keywords: Recycling, Waste Management, Environment



